Day 109 - San Francisco, California, USA
Day 109 – 25th September 2005 -8:00 GMT
We walked along Stockton Street amd through Chinatown until we reached Washington Square and saw the large church there.

Building in Chinatown

Church in Washington Square
We then walked up Lombard Street to Coit Tower where you get an amazing view of the bay.

View of Coit Tower

View of San Francisco
Then we went back down Lombard Street to the Crookedest part.

Lombard Street
We then went to Ghirardelli Square where we stopped for some lunch. Then we walked down to the waterfront and back along through Fisherman’s Wharf until we reached the Ferry Terminal for Alcatraz.

We bought tickets a couple of days before and were booked on the 2:15pm Ferry. The Crossing to Alcatraz took just over 10 minutes and we then watched a short film on the history of Alcatraz. It was originally built as a fort to protect the bay area. It was made into a penitentiary in 1934 until 1963.

Alcatraz a.k.a The Rock
We then had the audio tour of the Jailhouse and saw the cells where Al Capone and the Birdman of Alcatraz were in.

Me in an Alcatraz Cell

Alcatraz Cells

Solitary Confinment Cell
The Audio Tour is brilliant and makes the place seem alive. We then looked at an exhibition about prisoners of age which was interviews of older people who have been jailed. We then had a walk around the recreation yard and around the rest of the island before catching the boat back to the mainland.

San Francisco Skyline
We then stopped for a pint in an Irish bar before catching the famous Powell and Mason Cable Car back to our hotel.

Powell and Mason Cable Car

San Francisco
Then we had to do the regular chore of washing. Then we headed to a diner for some food before calling it a night.
We walked along Stockton Street amd through Chinatown until we reached Washington Square and saw the large church there.

Building in Chinatown

Church in Washington Square

We then walked up Lombard Street to Coit Tower where you get an amazing view of the bay.

View of Coit Tower

View of San Francisco

Then we went back down Lombard Street to the Crookedest part.

Lombard Street

We then went to Ghirardelli Square where we stopped for some lunch. Then we walked down to the waterfront and back along through Fisherman’s Wharf until we reached the Ferry Terminal for Alcatraz.


We bought tickets a couple of days before and were booked on the 2:15pm Ferry. The Crossing to Alcatraz took just over 10 minutes and we then watched a short film on the history of Alcatraz. It was originally built as a fort to protect the bay area. It was made into a penitentiary in 1934 until 1963.

Alcatraz a.k.a The Rock

We then had the audio tour of the Jailhouse and saw the cells where Al Capone and the Birdman of Alcatraz were in.

Me in an Alcatraz Cell

Alcatraz Cells

Solitary Confinment Cell

The Audio Tour is brilliant and makes the place seem alive. We then looked at an exhibition about prisoners of age which was interviews of older people who have been jailed. We then had a walk around the recreation yard and around the rest of the island before catching the boat back to the mainland.

San Francisco Skyline

We then stopped for a pint in an Irish bar before catching the famous Powell and Mason Cable Car back to our hotel.

Powell and Mason Cable Car

San Francisco

Then we had to do the regular chore of washing. Then we headed to a diner for some food before calling it a night.
Cool site!
Where are you from?
Why 777 days?
Are you going completely around the world?
Are you passing through the UK?
Where in the world do you most want to visit?
I suppose this is a kind of blog interview if you like.
Do you mind if i give you a plug on my blog as an interesting site to look at?
simon and his girlfriend Jill are both going around the world on holiday - for 777 days!
i think they are both writing blogs (Jill's is at to keep their friends back home entertained on what they're up to - such as me! heeloo!
Where are you from?
Near London, UK
Why 777 days?
We thought 666 days would be good but what we won't to do will take longer so 777 Days of travel seemed about right.
Are you going completely around the world? YES twice due to RTW airfares hoping to go to 50 countries.
Are you passing through the UK?
YES 19th DEC - 9th JAN
Where in the world do you most want to visit? Nepal, Vietnam.
Favourite place I've been is probably Japan or Finland. Also love Turkey ?? Hard question.
I suppose this is a kind of blog interview if you like.
Do you mind if i give you a plug on my blog as an interesting site to look at?
Please go ahead.
As Kate says above Jill and I are both travelling she is writing every few days with rants about this and that. I am writing more of a factorial Blog, Of where we stay and where we go and when we do it. Read both to get the best of our travels. I'm now going to check out your blog. :) Simon
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