Day 62 - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Day 62 – 9th August 2005 -6:00 GMT
We decided to split up this morning, so Jill and Reece went to the top of the Sears Tower (I had already done this a few years ago so did not bother). Instead I walked through Grant Park and around to the Adlers Planetarium and Astronomy Museum.

Adlers Planaterium
This was built in 1930 and was the first Planetarium in America. It is now the most technologically advanced Planetarium in the world. When you buy your ticket you can select two films from there selection. I started in the sky theatre and watched a film called “Race to the Edge of the Universe”. This was very good and basically covered the last 75 years of Astronomy and space exploration. Then I walked around the museum which was what I expected, big displays on the sun and the planets and the galaxy’s etc. I then went to the 3D theatre and watched a film called “The Stars of the Pharaohs” which was all about the old Egyptian astronomers and how the constellations related to the Egyptian gods. Then they had a talk and slide show on the landing of Discover which had landed this morning. I finished looking around the museum and walked back to the hotel.

Chicago Skyline
Jill and Reece got back an hour later and we headed off again, we caught the subway to Belmont and walked along Halstead to a Vegan Restaurant called The Chicago Diner. The food was great and the Banana Chocolate smoothies were fantastic. After we ate we caught the subway back to the hotel for the night.
We decided to split up this morning, so Jill and Reece went to the top of the Sears Tower (I had already done this a few years ago so did not bother). Instead I walked through Grant Park and around to the Adlers Planetarium and Astronomy Museum.

Adlers Planaterium

This was built in 1930 and was the first Planetarium in America. It is now the most technologically advanced Planetarium in the world. When you buy your ticket you can select two films from there selection. I started in the sky theatre and watched a film called “Race to the Edge of the Universe”. This was very good and basically covered the last 75 years of Astronomy and space exploration. Then I walked around the museum which was what I expected, big displays on the sun and the planets and the galaxy’s etc. I then went to the 3D theatre and watched a film called “The Stars of the Pharaohs” which was all about the old Egyptian astronomers and how the constellations related to the Egyptian gods. Then they had a talk and slide show on the landing of Discover which had landed this morning. I finished looking around the museum and walked back to the hotel.

Chicago Skyline

Jill and Reece got back an hour later and we headed off again, we caught the subway to Belmont and walked along Halstead to a Vegan Restaurant called The Chicago Diner. The food was great and the Banana Chocolate smoothies were fantastic. After we ate we caught the subway back to the hotel for the night.
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